Academic Publications
- Ryan, L., Diaz, E., & Grow, A. (2021). Women in computer science and engineering: A transformational leadership approach to gender equity. Women in Leadership Journal, 40(1), 39-47.
- Ryan, L., Silver, D., Laramee, R., & Purdue, D. (2019). Teaching data visualization as a skill. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, (39)2, 95-103.
- Ryan, L., & Gratale, G. (2017). Using visual analytics to combat cyberbullying in New Jersey Schools. Proceedings from the 80th Annual Association for Information Sciences and Technology. Washington, DC.
- Ryan, L. (2013). Leading change through creative destruction: How Netflix’s self-destruction strategy created its own market [published master’s thesis]. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research, 7(4), 429-445.